Canada - British Columbia (16/18)

"Palmer Lake"
Atlin, British Columbia, Canada
The town of Atlin is located in the northwest corner of BC near the Yukon and Alaska borders. Natural beauty abounds in the Atlin area. While exploring the area during the summer of 2016, I camped a short distance from town on Warm Bay Road at the Palmer Lake Recreation Site. This photo was taken one morning a few feet from my campsite.
Atlin, British Columbia, Canada
The town of Atlin is located in the northwest corner of BC near the Yukon and Alaska borders. Natural beauty abounds in the Atlin area. While exploring the area during the summer of 2016, I camped a short distance from town on Warm Bay Road at the Palmer Lake Recreation Site. This photo was taken one morning a few feet from my campsite.
Filename: Palmer-Lake-Atlin-BC.tif