Smoky Mountains (3/24)

"Creek On The Chimneys Trail"
Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Tennessee
This creek is located two minutes from the Chimney Tops trailhead on Highway 441 in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. The scene shows a typical Park stream with rounded rocks and Rhododendron or Mountain Laurel growing on its banks. A moderately slow shutter speed was used to blur the water enough so it looked smooth but not blur it so much that the general shape of water flow...
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Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Tennessee
This creek is located two minutes from the Chimney Tops trailhead on Highway 441 in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. The scene shows a typical Park stream with rounded rocks and Rhododendron or Mountain Laurel growing on its banks. A moderately slow shutter speed was used to blur the water enough so it looked smooth but not blur it so much that the general shape of water flow...
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Filename: Creek-On-Chimneys-Trail-Smoky-Mountains.tif